Henrietta |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 5-78. Permits.
Application blanks for permits for water or sewer connections, air conditioning contract work, systems or equipment shall be furnished by the city. The plumbing inspector or his representative shall approve or countersign all applications for plumbing permits, water connections and sewer connections before permit therefor shall be issued by him thereon.
Any person desiring to construct or install any fixture or appliance in any building or house or on any premises, new, or which may have been disconnected for any reason whatsoever, or any owner desiring to do any such work, shall obtain a permit from the plumbing inspector. No permit shall be required to repair leaks in pipes, traps, drains or stops or to open up waste or supply pipes.
No permit shall be issued to any person other than a licensed plumber or licensed air conditioning contractor except those items listed in paragraph (j) of this section.
Where additional fixtures are required or alterations are to be made, which cannot be practically constructed in accordance with all the provisions of these regulations, a special permit in writing may be issued by the plumbing inspector for such work, if in his judgment the conditions require it; but such additions or alterations shall be of a character that will make the plumbing system in the building as a whole conform to the spirit of the sanitary requirements of these rules.
Where there are two (2) buildings on one lot, one in the rear of the other, and there is no sewer available in any adjoining street or alley, then the house at rear may connect with the sewer line of the other house under proper permit.
In remodeling work the existing system of soil, waste, and ventilation pipes shall be changed to reasonably comply with this chapter.
No permit for basement drain shall be granted until the owner of the building or premises has executed and signed a written agreement to be upon the form furnished by the city, releasing the city from any and all liability for damage that may result from the basement being flooded by stoppage of sewers or pipes in connection therewith, which agreement shall be filed with the plumbing inspector before permit is issued for such basement drain. All basement drains must be provided with automatic backflow preventer and gate valve, and the drain must be so connected that the use of fixtures on or above the first floor of the building will not be interfered with by the shutting off of said valve.
An application for a plumbing permit for plumbing in any structure over one (1) story in height, or which is to be used for any other purpose than a one-or two-apartment residence, must be accompanied with a floor plan and elevation showing the location of all fixtures and pipes, or if, in the opinion of the plumbing inspector, plans are necessary on a one-or two-apartment residence he may require such plans as are necessary.
The permit and inspection fees set forth below shall be paid to the city before the issuance of a permit and before any work is started and section 106.3 of the Standard Plumbing Code, is amended to comply with the following schedule. The fees shall be as follows:
For issuing each permit ..... $20.00
All new plumbing work, and such portions of existing systems as may be affected by new work or any changes, shall be inspected to insure compliance with all the requirements of this chapter. It shall be the duty of the plumber to give reasonable advance notice to the plumbing inspection department when plumbing work is ready for inspection. If the inspector finds the installation does not meet with the requirements of this chapter, the plumber shall make the necessary corrections and the work shall then be resubmitted for inspection. All materials and labor for tests shall be furnished by the plumber.
The following acts, work and conduct shall be expressly permitted without a plumbing license although a permit may be required:
Plumbing work done by a property owner in a building owned or occupied by him as his homestead.
Plumbing work done by anyone who is regularly employed as or acting as a maintenance man or maintenance engineer, incidental to and in connection with the business in which he is employed or engaged, and who does not engage in the occupation of a plumber for the general public; construction, installation and maintenance work done upon the premises or equipment of a railroad by an employee thereof who does not engage in the occupation of a plumber for the general public; and plumbing work done by persons engaged by any public service company in the laying, maintenance and operation of its service mains or lines to the point of measurement and the installation, alteration, adjustment, repair, removal and renovation of all types of appurtenances, equipment and appliances, including doing all that is necessary to render the appliances useable or serviceable; appliance installation and service work done by anyone who is an appliance dealer or is employed by an appliance dealer, and acting as an appliance installation man or appliance service man in connecting appliances to existing piping installations; water treatment installations, exchanges, services, or repairs; provided, however, that, all work and service herein named or referred to shall be subject to inspection and approval in accordance with the terms of all local valid city or municipal ordinances.
Plumbing work done by a licensed irrigator or licensed installer when working and licensed under article 8751 of the Revised Civil Statutes. A person holding a valid license from the state board of plumbing examiners shall not be required to be licensed by any other board or agency when installing or working on a lawn irrigation system.
Plumbing work done by an LP gas installer when working and licensed under chapter 113 of the state's Natural Resources Code, as amended.
(Ord. No. 8607, § 3.1, 4-7-86; Ord. No. 8615, § 1, 8-4-86; Ord. No. 2015-07, § 1, 9-14-2015)